Somehow the webmaster knows very well what’s likely to interest to those with mood symptoms. Nicely organized.
Here’s a very active forum (as of 1/15/09) that is well managed, if you’re looking for online support.
Counseling Degree
A remarkable site, extremely comprehensive re: what counselors do and where to get a degree
Bipolar Central: The list of recommended sites will save you a lot of surf-time: they’re well chosen.
Shawn Thomas’ not sure yet who this fellow is, but for “recreational” reading on neuroscience, this is a stunningly good collection of links, nicely organized. If I had a week to play, reading articles, I’d love to spend it exploring this site.
ManicMoment Greg’s a nice guy who built his own site and put his journal online so that you can see what a guy with bipolar disorder is capable of (currently working for an internet server company).
Winds of Change Huge support group available online on this site, organized and run by their members. Visually intricate experience as well.
MentalHealthNet One of the most extensive sites on the net. Check out their list of additional sites, each rated and described. .
Mixed Nuts A remarkable group of people with good energy and a well-organized, extensive site. Fun to visit.
ShrinkTank A bulletin board for mental health professionals, originally in “Silicon Valley”, run by the energetic Dr. Rob’t Bischoff.