It’s not easy to make decisions when you’re depressed, and even harder to put them into action. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Chose one (only one) and put it on a calendar with a specific time and place that you’ll do it.
Take a warm bubble bath
Schedule time to do nothing
Practice breathing slowly
Practice mindfulness
Go buy an ice cream cone
Walk in the rain
Think about things what you’ve accomplished
Sit by a warm fire
Eat a strawberry
Walk barefoot on soft cool grass
Eat a slice of fresh-baked bread
Find a quiet place to sit outside and enjoy nature
Make a list of things you are thankful for
Sit in a coffeehouse and read
Have breakfast in bed
Buy yourself a rose
Walk on a scenic path in a park
Drink some hot cocoa, tea, or cider
Write in your journal
Pet a friendly dog or cat
Have a manicure or pedicure
Stop and smell some flowers
Think about finishing school
Try a food you’ve never tasted
Wake up early and watch the sunrise
Watch the sunset
Relax with a good book or soothing music
Play your favorite music and dance to it by yourself
Go to bed early
Sleep outside under the stars
Fix a special dinner just for yourself
Go for a walk
Light candles
Sing or whistle around the house
Take a sauna
Give yourself more time than you need to accomplish whatever you’re doing
Get a massage
Take a cozy nap
Listen to your favorite CD
Get a facial
Paint your nails
Overcoming Depression has more ways to get active when your mood is low
Go see a film or show
Go to a pet store and play with the animals
Visit a zoo
Visit a town you’ve never been to
Explore a new hobby
Go rent a funny video
Go out to your favorite restaurant
Go to the beach
Take a scenic drive
Buy new clothes
Browse in a book or record store for as long as you want
Buy yourself something special that you can afford
Go to the park—feed the ducks, swing on the swings, and go down the slide
Visit a museum or another interesting place
Work on a puzzle book or adult coloring book
Go dancing
Research your family tree
Read a book
Go bowling or skating
Go shopping
Start an aquarium
Go to a sporting event
Learn a magic trick
Go fishing
Play cards
Bake cookies
Take some pictures
Plan a day trip
Throw snowballs
Learn to needlepoint
Go swimming
Watch a ballet
Read or memorize a poem
Listen to a symphony
Read a story curled up in bed
Look at a work of art
Do something you’ve never done before
Feed the birds
Go on a picnic
Take a different route to work
Play solitaire
Window shop on your favorite street
Play a board game
Learn to sail, canoe, or ride horses
Do a crossword puzzle
Shoot pool
Plan an easy, restful vacation
Listen to books on tape
Go out to your favorite restaurant
Look through travel brochures and dream
Visit your local library and browse the shelves
Take pictures of your family
Write your life story
Plan a hike or camping trip
Read magazines or newspapers
Call a good friend or several good friends
Play in intramural sports
Go to church or a prayer group
E-mail a friend
Practice listening to others
Plan a surprise birthday party
Meet new people
Join or start a book club
Plan lunch with a friend
Go on a date or spend time alone with your partner
Make a gift for family or a friend
Watch children play
Do volunteer work
Get involved in a club
Teach a child to fly a kite
Take acting lessons
Say something nice to someone
Play with a toddler or baby
Write a note to a far-away friend
Freely praise other people
Tell a friend how much you appreciate them
Constructive Ideas
Work in a garden
Clean your room
Write a poem
Wash your car
Reorganize your room
Plant a tree
Decorate your room
Work on your car
Clean out one closet
Learn to draw
Clean something
Get to work early
Try a new, easy recipe
Organize your apps, bookmarks, or bookshelves
Practice a sport, karate, or yoga
Work on a photo album
Plan how to lose weight
Throw out old papers you no longer need
Gently stretch your muscles
Take a class in something that interests you
Read the Bible or a spiritual text
Plan your career
Plan how to save money or get out of debt
Recycle old items
Make plans for finishing school
Give things you don’t need to a charity
Complete a task (any task)